Fellows of GFANZ

The follow are a list of the current Fellows of Genomics for Aotearoa New Zealand. This is the highest award bestowed by GFANZ, and is awarded in recognition of great deeds carried out in the field of Genomics which are of particular benefit to the people, culture, society and/or science of Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Jenny Draper

Made a GFANZ Fellow in 2021 in recognition of her work to protect the people of Aotearoa from COVID-19.

Joep de Ligt

Made a GFANZ Fellow in 2021 in recognition of his work to protect the people of Aotearoa from COVID-19.

Siouxsie Wiles

Made a GFANZ Fellow in 2021 in recognition of her work to protect the people from Aotearoa from COVID-19.

Una Ren

Made a GFANZ Fellow in 2021 in recognition of her work to protect the people of Aotearoa from COVID-19.

Karaitiana Taiuru

Made a GFANZ Fellow in 2022 for his work titled “Tianga Tawhito: Tikanga Hou – Kaitiaki Guidelines for DNA Research, Storage and Seed Banks with Taonga Materials”.