Image of Molecular Ecology Resources special issue cover. Blue background White text. With a complex image in the middle bottoom.

Molecular Ecology Resources Special Issue

This Special Issue: skúkum tílixam: Uniting to Support Indigenous Contributions to Molecular Ecology was co-edited by GFANZ council alumna Dr. Alana Alexander. There are great research articles, thoughtful insights, and useful resources. Most of the articles are open access, so anyone can read them. Excellent issue highlighting the work of  Indigenous researchers in molecular ecology.

Working Paper: Engineering data equity: the LISTEN principles

Working Paper: Engineering data equity: the LISTEN principles

Data sharing is common practice amongst genomics researchers. So is not sharing. Open Science principles can be (and are) applied in ways that diminish or ignore benefit sharing. Māori communities may want to have control over access, use, and downstream benefits to their genetic data (human and taonga species). Is it technically possible to honor…