Genomics & COVID-19
This is not a place for medical advice or government updates. Please go to the official website for that information.
This is a collection of articles which explain the role genomics is playing in addressing the challenges of the pandemic.
If you have come across an article which would encourage understanding please send us a link.
In Depth Article
Genomics: How A Cutting-Edge Field Is Fighting COVID-19
Joep de Ligt and Shaun Hendy @ the eResearch 2021 Conference
Why rapid genome sequencing is key to finding out how long Delta has been in NZ, and how large this outbreak might be 19 August 2021
Scientists race to find source of Covid-19 community case 17 August 2021
Why do some people get more sick from Covid? New research reveals the role genetics plays COVID-19 12 July 2021
COVID-19 The rise and rise of Delta 22 June 2021
How New Zealand’s Covid success made it a laboratory for the world 3 April 2021
What the new, more infectious strains of Covid-19 mean for us 14 January 2021
Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine 25 December 2020
Siouxsie Wiles: Just how worrying is the new Covid-19 strain for Britain – and the rest of us? 21 December 2020
Genomic epidemiology reveals transmission patterns and dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in Aotearoa New Zealand 11 December 2020
How Covid-19 genome sequencing maps the spread of the virus 25 November 2020
Siouxsie Wiles: Aches on a plane – new findings on in-flight Covid transmission 23 November 2020
Covid-19: Behind the scenes of genomic sequencing in Wellington’s own backyard 21 November 2020
Tiny variants in genes may dictate severity of coronavirus 1 November 2020
Covid-19: Scientists use coronavirus’ own genetic code in attempt to control it 14 October 2020
The NZ strains: Our second wave 5 October 2020
How the PCR test works and why it’s such a critical weapon against Covid-19 21 September 2020
How rapid genome sequencing is changing the way we respond to Covid-19 22 August 2020
Why New Zealand needs to focus on genome sequencing to trace the source of its new COVID-19 outbreak 13 August 2020
How genome testing could help reveal the source of community Covid 13 August 2020
Siouxsie Wiles & Toby Morris: How genome sequencing could crack the case of the NZ Covid comeback 13 August 2020
How genomics will help us track Covid-19 12 August 2020
Sequencing the genome of Covid-19 22 July 2020
‘Genomic fingerprinting’ helps us trace coronavirus outbreaks. What is it and how does it work? 21 July 2020
Genomic sequencing: what it is and how it’s being used against Covid-19 in Victoria 4 July 2020
Genomics: How A Cutting-Edge Field Is Fighting COVID-19 18 June 2020
How countries are using genomics to help avoid a second coronavirus wave 27 May 2020
The NZ strains: How the virus got here 8 May 2020
Genetic scientists map spread of Covid-19 in New Zealand 1 May 2020
The coronavirus genome is like a shipping label that lets epidemiologists track where it’s been 27 April 2020