Indigenous Genomics Institute ®
Kupu Whakamihi
Ko te reo kōrero tēnei, ko te reo mihi tēnei o mātau katoa ngā rārangi ingoa kai tēnei tuhituhi o Te Ohu Whakarite o Indigenous Genomics Institute (IGI) e tuku kupu whakamihi atu nei ki a koutou katoa, ngā whare kōrero o tēnei kaupapa te ia pūrere tūhono o tāua te tangata. Kā tika hoki kia mihi kau atu ki o tātau mate, ka wehe ko te pō, ka wehe ko te ao i a rātau katoa! Haere e ngā mate tūātinitini tūā whakaaraara o te pō roa, o te pō taupokina atu ki ngā maunga, ki ngā awa, moana, taiao - kaitiakitanga e kōrihi mai nei!
Hokia mai kia tātau e takatū nei. Tēnā tātau katoa!
Ko te taumata whakaitaita tēnei o Te Ohu Whakarite e pōkai kaha nei kia whakaaratia Te Ao Māori mata titiro, Te Ao Māori mata wānanga, Te Ao Māori mata whakatauira, Te Ao Māori mata pupuri i tēnei taonga hou kai mua i a tātau katoa ara a pūrere tūhono o tāua te tangata. Ko te kōrero e pēnei ana kia ngākau hou, kia ngākau hou ki tēnei te tira hou, tēnei hara mai nei kia mārama ai te puta o ngā purapura ātaahua, hohonu o te ao Māori kua ruia mai nei e tēnā whakatipuranga, e tēnā whakatipuranga ki tēnei whakatipuranga. Kā tika kia hoatu e tātau he ngākau hou ki tēnei taonga te ia pūrere tūhono o tāua te tangata kai mua i a tātau katoa.
Kia hiki te wairua ki roto a tātau mahi katoa.
As genomic and genetic research continues to evolve and influence human health, ecology, agriculture, horticulture, climate change and more, an opportunity arises to acknowledge and further embed the principles of Te Ao Māori, including the teachings of mātauranga Māori, in genomic research. Accordingly, it is increasingly important for Indigenous communities to establish our own networks and set our own priorities.
Initiated in 2019, the Indigenous Genomics Institute (IGI) is a kaupapa Māori multidisciplinary platform, for Māori by Māori, and comprises Māori genetic scientists, kaupapa Māori researchers and community representatives. IGI is committed to progressing genomic research and engagement through education and training initiatives, webinar discussions, developing te reo Maori resources for kura and developing a tikanga based understanding of genetic and genomic research.
It is timely we reach out to Māori researchers, whānau, hapū, Iwi who share this interest with us. If you would like to contribute to our IGI kaupapa we welcome your involvement as we continue to deliver on-line discussions and foster national and international relations/initiatives. Please either email or call Lisa (details below) to get involved.
Mauri ora
Lisa Warbrick (MBA)
Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Rangitihi, Te Ati Haunui a Pāparangi
(m) 021 0262 6680
Archival Link
Lisa Warbrick’s talk “Māori Participation in Genomics Research” from the 9th Biennial International Indigenous Research Conference 2020.