Phylogenetic tree of rail lineages. This is from the paper.

Research Paper: De-novo assembly of four rail (Aves: Rallidae) genomes: A resource for comparative genomics

Last month, Julien Gaspar, Steve A. Trewick, and Gillian C. Gibb published the paper De-novo assembly of four rail (Aves: Rallidae) genomes: A resource for comparative genomics. It is open access for everyone to read.

The publishing of this work is a milestone for the GFANZ cloud bioinformatics platform project. By using the GFANZ infrastructure, the authors were able to make a docker container for the genome assembly software (meraculous). That docker container was then used on the Catalyst Cloud to quickly and cost effectively assemble four rail genomes. It was a pleasure working with the research team. We are happy to have been able to assist with their project and greatly appreciate their kind acknowledgement in the paper.

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